Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish Caseville
In order to maintain our cemeteries in proper order, we remind deed holders that this cemetery is the property of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish and you are respectfully asked to abide the by the “Rules and Regulations” of our Cemeteries with special regard to decorative items.
Section 10:
(e) Urns for cut, silk or artificial flowers and growing plants are permitted if they are placed on a concrete slab…..large enough to permit mowing around. The placement of the urn must be in line with any marker or structure on the grave not in front or back of the marker or structure.
(f) All containers used for decorations must be of an unbreakable material.
(g) Winter decorations may be installed and maintained on graves from Nov. 1st—April 15th. Items will be removed after this date.
(h) Toys, trinkets and unsightly objects will not be permitted as grave decorations and will be removed.
(i) When flowers, floral pieces, flags and the like become faded and unsightly they will also be removed.
For a more detailed copy of the Cemetery Rules and Regulations please stop by the Parish Office at St Roch Church or call 989-856-4933
Section 10:
(e) Urns for cut, silk or artificial flowers and growing plants are permitted if they are placed on a concrete slab…..large enough to permit mowing around. The placement of the urn must be in line with any marker or structure on the grave not in front or back of the marker or structure.
(f) All containers used for decorations must be of an unbreakable material.
(g) Winter decorations may be installed and maintained on graves from Nov. 1st—April 15th. Items will be removed after this date.
(h) Toys, trinkets and unsightly objects will not be permitted as grave decorations and will be removed.
(i) When flowers, floral pieces, flags and the like become faded and unsightly they will also be removed.
For a more detailed copy of the Cemetery Rules and Regulations please stop by the Parish Office at St Roch Church or call 989-856-4933