The month of February is traditionally dedicated to the Holy Family.
* A Pastoral Note to Migrants from the Catholic Bishops of Michigan
* Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Catholic Teaching on Immigration
* Prayer for Migrants and Refugees
* Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Catholic Teaching on Immigration
* Prayer for Migrants and Refugees
There will be a VIRTUS "Protecting God's Children for Adults" training on Wednesday, February 26th from 5-7 PM in the OLPH Parish Center. Employees and/or volunteers from any parish that are required to attend this training may register online at www.virtusonline.org Please call the OLPH parish office at 989-856-4933 with any questions.
Please be advised that
parish office hours for **Fridays only** will be 11 AM to 2 PM. This is a temporary change for the next 6 weeks, through March 7th. Office hours for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday will remain the same as always, 8 AM to 12 Noon. |
We are excited to announce that Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish is now on Facebook!! You may click the social link above to view our page. Please "like" and follow us, and feel free to spread the word and invite your friends and fellow parishioners to do the same.
Thank you! |
Sunday Mass Schedule
4:00 PM at St. Roch
8:30 AM at St. Roch
10:30 AM at St. Francis Borgia
Weekday Masses
10:00 AM at St. Francis Borgia
10:00 AM at St. Roch
**Please note that there will be NO 1st Friday or 1st Saturday services for the month of February
while Fr. George is away because of lack of a priest**
First Friday Adoration and Reconciliation
at St. Roch beginning at 9:30 AM prior to 10:30 Mass
First Saturday Adoration and Reconciliation at
St. Francis beginning at 9:30 AM prior to 10:30 Mass
**Please see the bulletin or website for any special Masses, Holy Days,
or any changes.**
Parish Office Hours
Tuesday - Thursday 8:00 AM to Noon
Fridays 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Closed Mondays
If Caseville Schools are closed due to inclement weather, weekday Mass will be cancelled,
and the Parish Office will be closed.
4:00 PM at St. Roch
8:30 AM at St. Roch
10:30 AM at St. Francis Borgia
Weekday Masses
10:00 AM at St. Francis Borgia
10:00 AM at St. Roch
**Please note that there will be NO 1st Friday or 1st Saturday services for the month of February
while Fr. George is away because of lack of a priest**
First Friday Adoration and Reconciliation
at St. Roch beginning at 9:30 AM prior to 10:30 Mass
First Saturday Adoration and Reconciliation at
St. Francis beginning at 9:30 AM prior to 10:30 Mass
**Please see the bulletin or website for any special Masses, Holy Days,
or any changes.**
Parish Office Hours
Tuesday - Thursday 8:00 AM to Noon
Fridays 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Closed Mondays
If Caseville Schools are closed due to inclement weather, weekday Mass will be cancelled,
and the Parish Office will be closed.